Open 9 am - 5 pm
Microbiome staff member Frank Oliaro stands in front of Shedd's Caribbean Reef exhibit.

Frank Oliaro

Laboratory Manager, Molecular and Microbial Ecology Lab

Frank Oliaro oversees analysis, protocols and training for Shedd’s Molecular and Microbial Ecology Lab


M.S., conservation biology, San Francisco State University
B.S., biology, University of New Mexico,

An expert in marine and molecular biology, Frank Oliaro performs core molecular biology responsibilities, including DNA extraction and sequencing, for Shedd’s new Microbiome Project. In addition, he oversees the training of other department staff members in molecular laboratory skills and safety, and the expansion of the in-house diagnostic capability of the aquarium’s A. Watson Armour III Center for Animal Health to include molecular and DNA-based technology. Oliaro also ensures that Shedd’s Microbiome Project laboratory is in excellent working condition by performing quality control, troubleshooting and routine maintenance.

Oliaro began his career at Shedd in 2013 as a laboratory medical technologist, utilizing his skills to support the veterinary and technical staff in all facets of their clinical diagnostic work, including necropsy, clinical pathology and microbiology.

Oliaro’s extensive field and laboratory research portfolio includes his original research on the identification of Pacific harbor porpoise prey species using polymerase chain reaction-based molecular techniques.

Oliaro earned his master’s degree in conservation biology at San Francisco State University, where his focus included molecular biology, marine ecology, ichthyology and phylogenetics. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of New Mexico, where he studied mammalogy, evolution and zoology.

Drivers of Microbial Community Dynamics in a Managed Artificial Seawater System.

Christian F. Edwardson, Frank Oliaro, Allen La Pointe, William Van Bonn, Angela Kent. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Annual Conference 2018, abstract accepted 2017.

The Effect of First Feeding Exposure of Larval Largemouth Bass to a Formulated Soybean Meal-Based or Soy Saponin-Supplemented Diet on Fish Growth Performance and Gut Microbiome

Kwasek, K., Wojno, M., Patula, S., Oliaro, F., Cabay, C., Pinnell, L.J. (2021). The Effect of First Feeding Exposure of Larval Largemouth Bass to a Formulated Soybean Meal-Based or Soy Saponin-Supplemented Diet on Fish Growth Performance and Gut Microbiome. North Am J Aquaculture.

Ultraviolet light alters experimental aquarium water microbial communities.

Van Bonn, W., Oliaro, F. J., & Pinnell, L. J. (2022). Ultraviolet light alters experimental aquarium water microbial communities. Zoo Biology, 1–9.

Characterization of spaC-type Erysipelothrix sp. isolates causing systemic disease in ornamental fish

Pomaranski EK., Reichley SR., Yanong R., Shelley J., Pouder DB., Wolf JC., Kenelty K.V., Van Bonn B., Oliaro F., Bryne B, Clothier KA, Griffin MJ, Camus AC, Soto E. (2017). Characterization of spaC-type Erysipelothrix sp. isolates causing systemic disease in ornamental fish. Journal of Fish Diseases 41: 49–60

Towards Understanding Microbial Degradation of Chloroquine in Large Saltwater Systems

Hu, J., Hellgeth, J., Cabay, C., Clark, J., Oliaro, FJ., Van Bonn, W., Hartmann, E. (2021). Towards Understanding Microbial Degradation of Chloroquine in Large Saltwater Systems. Science of the Total Environment. In press.

Nutritional Programming with Dietary Soybean Meal and Its Effect on Gut Microbiota in Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Patula, S., Wojno, M., Pinnell, LJ., Oliaro, F., Cabay, C., Molinari, GS., Kwasek, K. (2021). Nutritional Programming with Dietary Soybean Meal and Its Effect on Gut Microbiota in Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Zebrafish.

Host-associated microbiota of yellow stingrays (Urobatis jamaicensis) is shaped by their environment and life history

Pinnell, LJ.*, Oliaro, FJ.*, Van Bonn W. (2020). Host-associated microbiota of yellow stingrays (Urobatis jamaicensis) is shaped by their environment and life history. Marine and Freshwater Research.

Whale-Associated Microbial Communities Remain Remarkably Stable despite Massive Water Community Disruption in a Managed Artificial Marine Environment

William Van Bonn, Francis Oliaro and Lee Pinnell. (2022). Whale-Associated Microbial Communities Remain Remarkably Stable despite Massive Water Community Disruption in a Managed Artificial Marine Environment, Oceans, 3 (3), 289-302,

Does Exposure of Broodstock to Dietary Soybean Meal Affect Its Utilization in the Offspring of Zebrafish (Danio rerio)?

Kwasek, K.; Patula, S.; Wojno, M.; Oliaro, F.; Cabay, C.; Pinnell, L.J. Does Exposure of Broodstock to Dietary Soybean Meal Affect Its Utilization in the Offspring of Zebrafish (Danio rerio)? Animals 2022, 12, 1475.

Ultraviolet light alters experimental aquarium water microbial communities

Van Bonn, W., Oliaro, F. J., & Pinnell, L. J. (2023). Ultraviolet light alters experimental aquarium water microbial communities. Zoo Biology, 42(1), 133-141.