Open 9 am - 6 pm

Sea Curious Video Series

Do Animals Play? / ¿Juegan los Animales?

Shedd’s Aquarium Adventure Club goes to the experts—and two special guests, Brandt Bronico and Richard Sánchez from the Chicago Fire—to find out all about animal games and exercise, from octopus to otters.

El Club de Aventuras de Shedd Aquarium acude a los expertos y a dos invitados especiales, Brandt Bronico y Richard Sánchez del Chicago Fire, para indagar todo acerca de los juegos y ejercicios de los animales, desde los pulpos hasta las nutrias.

Classroom Lesson Plans

For teachers with bilingual or Spanish-speaking classrooms, the materials provided for students are in both Spanish and English. The lesson plans are only in English.

What animals have super powers? / ¿Cuáles animales tienen superpoderes?

What kind of superpowers do animals have? Can they zip through the water at high speed? How about jumping taller than a building in a single leap? Some animals have some super adaptations, and Shedd’s Aquarium Adventure Club goes to the experts— and special guest Aja Evans, an American Olympic bobsledder —to hear all about them, from dolphins to mantis shrimp!

¿Qué tipo de super poderes tienen los animales? ¿Pueden atravesar el agua a alta velocidad? ¿Qué tal saltar más alto que un edificio de un solo salto? Algunos animales tienen algunas super adaptaciones y el Club de Aventuras de Shedd Aquarium acude a los expertos y a nuestra invitada especial Aja Evans, competidora olímpica estadounidense de carreras de trineos, para conocer todo sobre ellas, ¡desde los delfines hasta el camarón mantis!

Classroom Lesson Plans

For teachers with bilingual or Spanish-speaking classrooms, the materials provided for students are in both Spanish and English. The lesson plans are only in English.

Why are some animals slimy? / ¿Por qué algunos animales son babosos?

Why are some animals so slimy? Whether you call it mucus or snot, the shiny coat covering some animals helps them in a lot of ways! Shedd’s Aquarium Adventure Club goes to the experts— and our special guest Kel Mitchell, actor, writer, director and comedian—to find out about these slippery animals, from parrotfish to eels.

¿Por qué algunos animales son tan babosos? Ya sea que la llames moco o secreción, la capa brillante que cubre a algunos animales ¡les ayuda en muchas maneras! El Club de Aventuras de Shedd Aquarium acude a los expertos y a nuestro invitado especial Kel Mitchell, actor, escritor, director y comediante, para indagar sobre estos animales resbaladizos, desde el pez loro hasta las anguilas.

Classroom Lesson Plans

For teachers with bilingual or Spanish-speaking classrooms, the materials provided for students are in both Spanish and English. The lesson plans are only in English.

What does animal poop look like?

What does animal poop look like? From penguins to anaconda, an animal’s poop can tell us a lot about its health, so Shedd’s Aquarium Adventure Club goes to the experts to find out what it all means!

¿Cómo son las heces de los animales?

¿Cómo son las heces de los animales? Desde pingüinos hasta anacondas, las heces de un animal pueden decirnos mucho acerca de su salud, así que el Club de Aventuras de Shedd Aquarium acude a los expertos para indagar qué significa todo eso.

Classroom Lesson Plans

For teachers with bilingual or Spanish-speaking classrooms, the materials provided for students are in both Spanish and English. The lesson plans are only in English.

What do animals do at night?

Night at the aquarium! Some animals are more active at night, and some sleep the hours away. But how does a fish sleep if it can’t close its eyes? Shedd’s Aquarium Adventure Club stays overnight at the aquarium to find out more about nighttime for penguins and belugas!

¿Qué hacen los animales durante la noche?

¡Noche en el acuario! Algunos animales son más activos durante la noche y algunos duermen largas horas. Pero ¿cómo duerme un pez si no puede cerrar sus ojos? ¡El Club de Aventuras de Shedd Aquarium pasa la noche en el acuario para indagar más acerca de las noches de los pingüinos y las belugas!

Classroom Lesson Plans

For teachers with bilingual or Spanish-speaking classrooms, the materials provided for students are in both Spanish and English. The lesson plans are only in English.

What do animals eat?

What’s on the menu at the aquarium? Just about everything! From fresh fish for sharks to fresh veggies for sea turtles, aquarium animals have amazing diets. But how much does it take to keep them all fed? Shedd’s Aquarium Adventure Club heads to the kitchen with  special guest Diana Dávila, chef and owner of Mi Tocaya Antojería, to find out!

¿Qué comen los animales?

¿Qué hay en el menú del acuario? ¡Casi de todo! Los animales del acuario tienen dietas asombrosas, desde pescado fresco para los tiburones hasta verduras frescas para las tortugas de mar. Pero ¿cuánto se tarda en alimentarlos a todos? ¡El Club de Aventuras de Shedd Aquarium va a la cocina con la invitada especial Diana Dávila, chef y propietaria de Mi Tocaya Antojería, para investigarlo!

Classroom Lesson Plans

For teachers with bilingual or Spanish-speaking classrooms, the materials provided for students are in both Spanish and English. The lesson plans are only in English.

Do animals go to the doctor?

Do animals go to the doctor too? Animals get regular checkups, just like you! But the veterinarian has to know about all kinds of species, from whales to turtles! Shedd’s Aquarium Adventure Club spends some time with the doctor to learn about animal health.

¿Los animales van al médico?

¿Los animales van al médico? ¡Los animales tienen chequeos médicos regularmente, igual que tú! Pero el veterinario tiene que saber sobre todo tipo de especies, ¡desde ballenas hasta tortugas! El Club de Aventuras de Shedd Aquarium pasa algún tiempo con el médico para aprender acerca de la salud de los animales.

Classroom Lesson Plans

For teachers with bilingual or Spanish-speaking classrooms, the materials provided for students are in both Spanish and English. The lesson plans are only in English.

How are animals born?

How are animals born? Sometimes in an egg, sometimes live birth! Every species is different, but one thing’s for sure: all baby animals are cute! Shedd’s Aquarium Adventure Club goes to the experts—and special guest Yolmer Sánchez from the White Sox—to find out more about baby animals, from tadpoles to seahorses!

¿Cómo nacen los animales?

¿Cómo nacen los animales? ¡A veces de un huevo, a veces de un embarazo! Cada especie es diferente, pero una cosa es cierta: ¡todos los animales bebé son lindos! El Club de Aventuras de Shedd Aquarium acude a los expertos, y a nuestro invitado especial Yolmer Sánchez de los White Sox, para descubrir más sobre los animales bebé ¡desde renacuajos hasta caballitos de mar!

Classroom Lesson Plans

For teachers with bilingual or Spanish-speaking classrooms, the materials provided for students are in both Spanish and English. The lesson plans are only in English.

Do animals lose teeth?

Do animals lose their teeth too? Different animals have all kinds of teeth—whether it’s sharks with their many rows of teeth or sea urchins with their five little teeth. Shedd’s Aquarium Adventure Club looks into some mouths with the experts!

¿Los animales pierden sus dientes?

¿Los animales también pierden sus dientes? Los diferentes animales tienen todo tipo de dientes, ya sean tiburones con sus múltiples filas de dientes o los erizos de mar que tienen cinco dientes pequeños. El Club de Aventuras de Shedd Aquarium ¡mira algunas bocas con los expertos!

Classroom Lesson Plans

For teachers with bilingual or Spanish-speaking classrooms, the materials provided for students are in both Spanish and English. The lesson plans are only in English.

Behind the scenes of Sea Curious / Detrás de cámaras de Sea Curious

A Chicago White Sox baseball player exchanges high-fives with seven kids during filming of Shedd's Sea Curious Youtube video series.

Young members of the Shedd Aquarium Adventure Club pose for a photo with their parents and a Chicago White Sox player.

Young members of Shedd's Aquarium Adventure Club meet a soccer player on one of the lawns outside Shedd's Oceanarium.

Young participants in Shedd's Sea Curious video series grimace at their wet, slimy hands as they prepare seafood for otters behind the scenes at Shedd.

Young participants in Shedd's Sea Curious kids' web series sit on a ledge in the Underwater Viewing Gallery and watch dolphins swim by as a filming crew records their reactions and holds up lights.

A group of kids wearing Sea Curious t-shirts pose for a group photo as they sit on sofas and plastic chairs in Shedd's learning lab.

Young members of Shedd's Aquarium Adventure Club peer at a small, well-planted aquarium in Shedd's learning lab.

A group of kids in one of Shedd's learning classrooms play with slime in bowls.

Young members of Shedd's Aquarium Adventure Club play with large globs of slime, stretching and squishing it in one of Shedd's learning labs.

The Sea Curious logo art, featuring rounded, playful type reading "Sea Curious" in front of a bubbly series of light circles.


Are you #SeaCurious too? Tweet your animal questions using the #SeaCurious hashtag.

¿También eres #SeaCurious? Tuitea tus preguntas sobre animales utilizando la etiqueta #SeaCurious.

Tweet #SeaCurious

Sea Curious is hosted by the Shedd Aquarium Adventure Club
Sea Curious es presentado por el Club de Aventura del Shedd Aquarium